

Practicing law is the art of making rights effective.


Our solid base is our in-depth knowledge of the law and jurisprudence

  • 1 Represents companies and individuals, by covering all types of procedures and various areas of law, such as civil, commercial, administrative, fiscal and tax litigation, judicial reorganization and bankruptcy procedures, criminal commercial, asylum, and extradition procedures.
  • 2 Manages a substantial portfolio of bank litigations for businesses at all levels of jurisdiction within all the Courts of Appeal in Romania thanks to its network of senior lawyers covering the entire country.
  • 3 Counsels and represents clients in banking and finance, real estate projects and real estate sales, purchases and transactions, fiscal, tax, administrative, labor, and contractual Romanian law, as well as in matters of European law, criminal commercial.
  • 4 Gathers in-depth and extensive expertise in drafting legal instruments such as laws, regulations, statutes, and soft law.
  • 5 Supports its clients with long term strategic planning for their legal interests, including legal advice and representation in public advocacy.
  • 6 Advises and represents clients in all areas of family law.
  • 7 Integrates legal expertise with para-legal services provided by of Counsel Company specialized in cybersecurity compliance in terms of personal data security, as well as forensic, security management, and risk management.
  • 8 Provides legal assistance for digitization, electronic signatures, and block chain technology handled by internationally recognized experts in the field.

Stoian-Partners Attorneys


Stoian - Partners are constantly connected to legislative and institutional developments

Stoian-Partners Attorneys